Elementary Lessons for Japanese Language Proficiency Test
Our Japanese Language courses prepare students to sit for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), jointly organized by The Japan Foundation and The Association of International Education, commissioned by the Japanese Government.
JLPT Preparatory Elementary Lessons | JLPT Elementary Course (jlpt lessons)
Japanese Elementary Lessons singapore | Japanese Lessons Singapore
Elementary Lessons for Japanese Language Proficiency Test
Japanese Elementary Lessons singapore : Elementary 1, 2 and 3
Come join Japanese Elementary Lessons singapore. This japanese language elementary course is designed for people who have no knowledge of the Japanese Language at all.
learn Japanese Elementary 1
learn Japanese Elementary 2
learn Japanese Elementary 3
PYAESS was founded in 1988 by Mr Seiichi Haga. Mr Haga came to Singapore for the first time in 1975 in a ship called the “Ship for South East Asia Youth Programme (SSEAYP). He was then an undergraduate of the Tokyo’s Waseda University, Economics and Politics Faculty. He returned to Singapore in 1985 and later opened and registered Pyaess with the Ministry of Education in 1988. He named his school “PYAESS”spelt “SSEAYP”backwards.
The JLPT examination is held on the first Sunday of July and December each year. Registration for the examination opens in March and August each year.
Learn more about the Japanese elementary lessons for JLPT here.